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EXCLUSIVE Interview with Anna Rossinelli, the Swiss representative in Eurovision 2011




Anna Rossinelli will represent Switzerland in Eurovision 2011 with the song ,,In love for a while”. She will participate in the first Semifinal, on the 10th of May, and she is hopung to reach the Grand Final.


After she took part in Eurovision in Concert, in The Netherlands, Anna gave an interview for Radar de Media. You can reade it below:

Where you expecting to win the Swiss National Final or was that a surprise for you?
No, not at all. It was a big surprise for me.

Last time Switzerland participated in a Eurovision Final in 2006. Do you think you can brake the streak of bad luck and get in the Final?
I hope so. In the last years men represented Switzerland and I think it’s time for a women.

Can you reveal something from the show you are preparing for Dusseldorf?
Our stage show is going to be authentic and easy but there will be some surprises.

Have you listened to the other competing songs? Which ones do you like?
Yes! I’ve heard all of them and one of my favorite is the song from Italy.

What do you think about the Romanian song for Eurovision 2011?
It’s a good pop song with nice groove.

What else do you know about Romania?
I’ve never been there I hope I will be able to visit Romania soon.

Wich countries will you visit on your promo tour?
We’ve been to Azerbaijan and The Netherlands and we will go to London this weekend.

Besides a win or a good position in Eurovision what other expectations do you have from this participation?
I think it’s a great chance for our band to present our music to a big audience. But after Eurovision we want to release our album.

Leaving Eurovision aside, what should yor fans from Romania know about your music career?
Our band started with playing in the streets of our hometown. Later we made a road trip to different European cities.

In the end, do you have a message for your Romanian fans?
Thanks for your support and I hope you like the song.

We will like to thank Anna for the interview.

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